Food Shelves

Showing 1-20 of 38 items.
Mary Jo's Place (Sharing and Caring Hands)612-338-4855525 North 7th St.5/5
Community Emergency Services (CES)612-870-10691900-11th Ave S. No ratings yet
Salvation Army: North (Parkview)612-522-65812024 Lyndale Ave. No.No ratings yet
Salvation Army (Central)612-789-15122727 Central Ave. NENo ratings yet
Sabathani Community Center612-821-2396310 E. 38th St.No ratings yet
Brian Coyle Community Center612-338-5282420 - 15th St. So.No ratings yet
Waite House (Pillsbury United Communities)612-721-16812529 - 13th Ave. So.No ratings yet
Salvation Army - St. Paul Eastside Office6561-776-26531019 Payne Ave.No ratings yet
Salvation Army St. Paul West 7th Office651-224-6946401 W. 7th St.No ratings yet
Volunteers Enlisted to Assist People (VEAP)952-888-96169731 James Ave. S.No ratings yet
People Responding in Social Ministry (PRISM)763-529-1350370 Florida Ave. S.No ratings yet
Center for Asians and Pacific Islanders (CAPI)612-721-0122310 East 38th St., Rm 29No ratings yet
Centro Cultural Chicano612-874-14121915 Chicago Ave. So.No ratings yet
Division of Indian Work612-722-87221001 East Lake St.No ratings yet
Fare for All Program763-450-3880No ratings yet
Groveland Emergency Food Shelf/Groveland Food For Youth612-871-02771900 Nicollet Ave. So.No ratings yet
Joyce Uptown Food Shelf, Inc.612-825-44313041 Fremont Ave. So.No ratings yet
Little Kitchen Food Shelf612-788-24441500 - 6th St. NENo ratings yet
Messiah Lutheran Church612-871-88312400 Park Ave. S.No ratings yet
Minnesota Food Helpline1-888-711-1151No ratings yet